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Animal Test Statement


At Pulchra Oxford we are strongly against animal testing.

I can confirm that all Pulchra Oxford products and selected third party suppliers have never tested any ingredient or final product on an animal in the UK or any other part of the world.

No animal testing is conducted or commissioned for our finished cosmetic or household products or ingredients in any phase of product development by or for ourselves.

Pulchra Oxford believes it to be abhorrent to continue using animals to test the safety of cosmetic products, as there are alternative methods of evaluating product and ingredient safety.

All Pulchra Oxford products are registered with and carry the Vegan Society logo and all ingredients are certified Organic and Cruelty Free.

Pulchra Oxford products do not contain:

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS), Silicones Synthetic, Micro Beads or Gluten.  

All Pulchra Oxford products comply with EU regulations.

If you have any questions about any of the ingredients, please contact Pulchra Oxford at